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5 Must Have Drugstore Makeup Products – Video

Hello- hello,

I am sorry for being hiatus for almost a month. Do I have loyal readers? If yes, please comment down below. So, the reason why I didn’t post anything for about a month is, I have been focusing more on my Youtube channel and I’m trying to post 1 video a week. I’m working really hard to attract more people to my channel but I believe it’s a process. I have to be consistent and create interesting videos. It’s not an easy thing.

Two weeks ago, I recorded a video about 5 must have drugstore makeup products. I think it will be helpful to a lot of people especially those who has just started doing makeup or maybe younger generation who maybe don’t have enough allowance to buy high end products. But, kids nowadays are different right? They have more money than us.

Anyway, below is the video. I will greatly appreciate it if you can comment and let me know anything. I would love to know your input. Thank you.

Products mentioned:
Wet n Wild Cover All Pressed Powder
Wet n Wild Mega Slicks Lip Balm Stain
Maybeline Eye Studio Color Tattoo Eyeshadow
Catrice Defining Blush
Essence Long Lasting Lip Liner


  • Nad

    Hi sae,i’m one of your blog readers.. i have all the products that u mentioned above except for d maybelline eyeshadow. I like all of them esp the balm stain. Have u tried wet n wild eyeshadow trio? I’d love to hear ur opinion.. keep on blogging!

    • Sae Says

      Oh my god.. Nad you don’t know how happy I am to know that there are real people reading my blog.. Yeah the balm stain is the bomb right? I just bought almost all of the colour and I’ll do swatches maybe next week. Never try the WnW trio eyeshadow but I’m intrigued because I heard a lot good things about it. Maybe I’ll buy it next time luxola has a sale. Keep reading and thank you so much. You made my day..

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