
  • Life,  self-improvement

    2016 New Year Resolutions | Saesays

    Hello World! Happy 2016 guys. Time flew by really fast once you hit your 20’s, right? 2015 was an okay year for me and really, I don’t have so many things to say about it. Yeah I started my own Youtube channel but my channel hasn’t grown that much since I uploaded my first video. I wonder why? I don’t know, sometimes I just feel like I’m not very likeable and my personality is not really inviting. Do you think so? I hope the year of 2016 will be memorable and much more productive than 2015.

  • self-improvement

    2015 Resolutions

    #1 Hello earthlings. I was thinking that I should start with a post about myself but then since January has gone by so fast and before December comes, 2015 resolutions must be the best choice. It’s a new year. Good-bye 2014. It was not a good year for me but hey that’s life. Move on and embrace the future. It’s going to be a long list. So here are my 2015 resolutions: 1) Be productive I’m a lazy bum. I believe I have a lot of time but I wasted it all away with sleeping and I don’t what else I did. I’ve been married for nearly 5 years and a child is…